Well Done to the team of Year 6 Maths superstars took part in the annual Wellington Maths Challenge on 30th November. It is an extremely tough competition and some of the questions would even challenge Miss Vorderman or Miss Riley! Out of 63 teams, they achieved a top...


Readathon update! Our target was £1000 to be raised and 200 hours to be read across the school. We have successfully smashed these targets! As a school you read 233hrs and 18mins and we raised an amazing £2219.70! We are blown away by the generosity of our community,...

Safe Play Equipment

Please have a look at the link this is the company that supplied our play safe on KS1 playground https://www.fawns.co.uk/

Somerset County Gazette

If you have not already seen our play safe area please follow the link below or check out our Facebook page. Lyngford Park Primary in Taunton open new Safe Play Trim Trail | Somerset County Gazette

 Congratulations to Mr Bawden

 and our staff for this wonderful award!  Mr Bawden always goes the extra mile to arrange as many clubs and events as possible to offer opportunities children wouldn’t usually receive.  His drive, determination and relentless efforts to arrange these events have...