and our staff for this wonderful award!  Mr Bawden always goes the extra mile to arrange as many clubs and events as possible to offer opportunities children wouldn’t usually receive.  His drive, determination and relentless efforts to arrange these events have such a positive impact on our children.
Throughout the year, there are around 20 clubs which run at different times during the year, and with all the other festivals and competitions we enter – all designed to give our children brilliant opportunities. The wide range of clubs include netball, table tennis, tag rugby, rounders, cross country, athletics, girls’ and boys’ football clubs, as well as festivals and competitions from our Reception children to Year 6.  For a school of about 260 children, we offer more clubs than the average Primary School.
Staff and parents are so supportive, and our children gain positive experiences by participating in these opportunities. Our main aim is to hope children enjoy taking part and wish to continue developing in these sports during Secondary School and beyond. By starting them at Primary School, we hope sporting foundations are laid for their lives ahead of them.
Congratulations to Mr Bawden and our staff for this prestigious award!