Spring Term Newsletter 2 17th January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers

Staffing Update
As per the letter sent on Monday, the leadership arrangements change from Monday. Rest assured; we will all do our best to ensure there is no impact on the children’s learning. I am certainly not leaving, just spending some of my time at Nerrols. My experienced Senior Leaders will be in school every day and will deputise for my absence.
Sadly, Mrs Robyn King has resigned, for personal reasons, after only an extremely short time with us. We are therefore lacking support staff and working as quickly as we can to return to full quota!

School Meals – late orders will have implications. Please ensure you order meals by the deadline.

MCAS – Please check contact details including numbers, emails and ensure there are at least 2 emergency contacts. Some communication with parents have been tricky when details have changed and we haven’t been notified.

Class Dojo
An essential method of communication for all parents to know what is happening. Staff will post information and news on this platform and if you have any minor issues, this can be used to ask questions. Whilst you can contact teachers on dojo, please do not expect an answer out of working hours.

Uniform – Thank you for this excellent reset! Children look smart. Another success. Please keep this up!

Morning Starts: 8.40 – Gates shut 8.50am – reminder…
Thank you – this week has been much better for most! Your child massively benefits from being on time.

Children in Reception and KS1 use Bircham Road gate. KS2 use Luxhay Close gate.
Please kindly avoid driving down Luxhay Close to ensure the safety of all children.
Attendance Clarification – same message as last week.
Term Time Leave Requests will not be authorised in ALMOST ALL CASES.

The number of children who did their 5 reads increased this week – thank you! Please keep this up. For those who cannot support their child doing this, please ask for help to their class teacher.

Nut Allergy. We are a NO NUT school.
This includes Nutella, Snickers and some chocolate spreads!

It is NOT THE DECISION OF THE SCHOOL, but clear directives from Government.
Exceptional circumstances are extremely rare and ONLY include emergency services / forces personnel with proof of enforced holiday period OR holiday industry employees with proof of this being the ONLY time period allowed by the employer – which is hardly ever the case.
The Local Authority (LA) decide when issuing Penalty Notices.
As a school, we inform the LA of unauthorised absences, and if 10 unauthorised absences over a 10-week period is breeched, the LA may then issue a fine. Fines do not come to our school budget, but to the Local Authority.

Starlyngs – Wraparound Phone Number: 07493 977 397

Our office closes at 4pm daily, including the phone lines. Please call the above number when you wish to collect your child, and they will be brought to the main gate. After 4.30pm, collection is from the Nursery gate. You still need to call the above number or buzz the Nursery gate.

Best wishes for a great Spring Term!
Kind regards
Nick Arnold

January 2025 – July 2025

TERM 3: Spring Term 1

22nd Jan Look Who’s Talking School Finals

23rd Jan RHT Cross Country Event – we are hosting! Details to follow.

30th Jan 5 – 7pm LGB

5th Feb Ash Class visit to Taunton Museum

6th Feb Look Who’s Talking RHT Finals @West Buckland Primary School

14th Feb Golden Mile. – Term 3 Attendance Analysis. – 3.15pm End of Term 3  – PTFA Disco

TERM 4: Spring Term 2

24th Feb 8.40 Children return for Term 4

28th Feb Swimming starts for Year 4 – for the rest of the year. (Half a year)

27th Feb 9.30 – 11am Open morning for parents. All welcome.

6th March WORLD BOOK DAY 2025  – P&Q Committee (QIP leaders) (Time TBC)

Week 10th March Parent Consultation Evenings.

31st March – 2nd April Year 6 Skerne Lodge Residential Trip

3rd April Golden Mile. – Term 4 Attendance Analysis.- 3.15pm End of Term 4  – PTFA Easter Bingo

4th April INSET Day – Focus: RHT Conference. All staff to attend.

TERM 5: Summer Term 1

22nd April 8.40 Children return for Term 5

28 April / 1 May 10.30 – 11.15 LSA Meeting (LSA choose 1 date)

5th May BANK HOLIDAY – School & Nursery closed.

12th May Year 6 SATs Week

22nd May Golden Mile. – Term 5 Attendance Analysis. – 3.15pm End of Term 5

23rd May INSET Day.

TERM 6: Summer Term 2

2nd June 8.40 Children return for Term 6

16th June LPPS Sports Week

27th June PTFA Summer Fayre

1st July Year 6 Transition Day 1. LPPS Transition pm.

2nd July Year 6 Transition Day 2. LPPS Transition am

3rd July Annual Report to Parents. Year Attendance Analysis.

9th July PSHE/RSE workshops 10th July 5pm-7pm LGB PSHE/RSE workshops

16th July PSHE/RSE workshops

17th July Careers Fair – morning?

18th July Golden Mile

22nd July 2pm Year 6 Leavers Assembly 3.15pm End of year. – No Starlyngs.

23rd July INSET Day. Focus: Planning for New Year.