Lyngford Park Primary School and Nursery takes the safety of children, staff and parents/carers very seriously. Lyngford Park is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is everybody’s responsibility to act if they feel that a child is at risk.
Who should I talk to if I have concerns about a young person?
Mrs Barratt – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Ingram – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Nick Arnold- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
If you can not contact school staff and you have concerns regarding the safety and well being of a child phone Somerset County Council Services for Children on: 0300 123 2224
Safeguarding concerns outside school
If you have any concerns about the safety of any child outside of school (for example during the weekend if you are in town), you should contact Somerset County Council Services for Children by telephoning 0300 123 2224.
What should I do if a child makes a disclosure?
1. Receive
Listen carefully to what is being said and do not interrupt. Be calm, attentive and non judgmental.
2. Reassure
Reassure them that you will talk to a person who can help. They have done the right thing by telling you.
What has happened isn’t their fault.
Don’t promise to keep what is said a secret.
3. Respond
Explain you will pass the information on to the appropriate person.
4. Record
The information you have may not be enough on its own for a child protection referral, however it will help to make a decision about risk of harm to the child.
Doing nothing is not an option
It is not your responsibility to investigate child abuse but you should tell the appropriate person within the organisation. If a pupil tells you something or you see something which needs to be passed on:
ALWAYS write down
- The name of the child
- The date, time and place you were told/observed the concern
- The exact words said by the child to you
- Pass on the information to Mrs Barratt , Mr Arnold or Mrs Ingram or a member of our Senior Leadership Team.
- Promise confidentiality – explain you have to pass on the concerns
- Ask leading questions
- Make comments or judgements on the information you are told
- Keep the information to yourself
Please remember:-
It doesn’t matter if you are a paid worker, a volunteer or a member of the community, you have a responsibility to act if you are worried about a child.
The concerns you have make up part of a bigger picture which could help to prevent serious harm to young person. Giving families help at an early stage can prevent abuse and neglect.
Keeping young people safe
Remember these four important points:
1. All children have a right to be safe
2. Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility
3. We all need to listen to children even though we may not always be comfortable with what we hear
4. The taking of photographic images is strictly prohibited unless with permission from the Headteacher/Senior Leadership Team
For more information
Local Safeguarding Board: 0300 123 2224
Out of hours: 01458 253241
All adults at Lyngford Park are subject to vetting and a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check. All staff at Lyngford Park Primary School complete a thorough and comprehensive safeguarding induction and receive regular safeguarding training throughout the year.
For further information please see Lyngford Park’s policy and procedure documents.