Under construction
Please check your Class Dojo for PE and Swimming.
Thank you for your patience
Morning Arrangements :
- Gates will be opened at 8.40am – 8.50am.
- EYFS/KS1 – Access by front of the school Bircham Road. Children will walk to their classes .
- KS2 – Access by Luxhay Close. Children will walk to their classrooms.
- Year 5 & 6 if they carry a mobile phone then they will need to turn it off and hand it to the school office.
- After 8.50am the children will need enter by the front gate(Bircham Road) were parents/carer or student will sign in before going to class.
Afternoon Arrangements:
- Gates will be opened at 3.15pm.
- EYFS/KS1 collected outside classrooms.
- KS2 will be taken to the Luxhay Close gate and await collection.
- Children in Year 5/6 can walk home as long as we have a permission slip of consent.
- KS2 Children with siblings will wait in the courtyard to be collected by parents/carers.
- Gates will then at close 3.25pm